
Blog Post: Torticollis, Tummy Time, Reflux- AWESOME transformation story!

By October 2, 2018 No Comments

At this little lady’s 2 month appointment with her pediatrician, the doctor mentioned a flat spot that he noticed on her head. In addition to this flat spot, mom also noticed that she had some stiffness in her neck and shoulders (see picture), and only liked to breastfeed in a specific position (football hold) on a certain side. She also had reflux and HATED tummy time. After looking for answers, her mom decided to taker her to physical therapy, where they taught her exercises and different positions to hold her in that would make her more comfortable. Mom felt like physical therapy was just not enough, so not long after, she heard about Ignite Family Chiropractic and decided to give chiropractic a try!

Before Chiropractic Care:

Currently, she is a little over 4 months old and has made amazing progress since beginning specific, pediatric chiropractic care! Her mom is happy to say…

-her flat spot has resolved
-she no longer has tension in her neck and shoulders
-she breastfeeds in any position
-she no longer has tension in her neck and shoulders
-her reflux has improved
-she no longer hates tummy time
-she is so much more comfortable
-sleeps better
-her overall mood has improved

During Chiropractic Care:

We love seeing her sweet smile in the office and are so happy to hear about how much she has improved!